Wednesday 2 January 2013

Manifesto- independent.

I will concentrate mainly on three main topics. Those topics are the economy and economic reform, Parliamentary Reform and Welfare Reform.

Brief Oversight:

Economics and Economic reform:

  • Consultation, with a view to return to gold standard. 
  • Banking Reform to include full fractional reserve.
  • Capital projects, esp housing and national infrastructure
  • Direct spending on ‘deprived’ areas
  • Tax Breaks and deregulation for small and medium business
  • Consultation, with a view to reduce Corporation Tax by 3% from 21% to 18% on SME.
  • Retraining of workers to encourage high tech manufacturing
  • Simplification of Tax System
  • Increased Tax Inspectors aimed at high profile, high end tax invasion
  • Consultation, with the view of replacing council tax with a more representative tax.

Parliamentary Reform:

  • Within first 6 months of Parliament a referendum will be held on changing the voting system. All mainstream voting systems will be included on the ballot.
  • A 'Constituency Contract'
  • Within the first 6 months of Parliament a referendum will be held on the UK’s member ship of EU. A straight yes/no question.
  • On both these referendum, I will not campaign but give the electorate as much facts and info as possible.
  • Devolution of political power to lowest level
  • FOI request to be widened to include all info except private info and national security.-This transparency will build trust.
  • House of Lords to be reformed to include non-party elected members and sector stakeholders appointees.
  • Consultation, with a view of England having her devolved Parliament.
  • Consultation, with a view of devolving powers to local levels

Welfare Reform:

  • ALL Sickness and Disability benefits to be dealt with NHS rather than DWP
  • ALL sub-contracting of medical assessment to be stopped and returned to NHS(With money that would have been paid to ATOS being invested in NHS)
  • Voluntary Work placements are to continue but reformed so that there will be no sanctions involved and that the placement and training will be flexible so that the correct people are placed in the correct ‘job’. For period of placement, ‘wages’ shall be paid. The placements are to be in the charity sector or a specific business which suits the client’s specific circumstances.
  • Claimants on JSA who are actively re-training and looking for work will be entitled to JSA+(To be explained later)

These will be financed by reducing the investment into the British Military from 2.6% GDP ( £37.5B/$57B) to 0.95% GDP ( £14.8B/$22.8B).

Consultation, with a view of scrapping Trident.

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